Aug 08, 2021
I came into coaching for a few reasons.
First, I have a thirst for knowledge and have always been really interested in personal and professional growth. For years, I have studied, discovered tools, methods and philosophies that I have successfully implemented in my own life as well as with my colleagues and clients. Coaching was the next obvious step for me.
Second, I was looking for added clarity. For years, I didn’t know what I wanted in so many aspects of my life, why I made the choices that I did, or why I wasn’t achieving results I strived for. I craved something better. Coaching reinforced in me what I was truly capable of and identified why I kept getting in my own way. When I experienced the power of coaching it became crazy to think of life without it. At times things felt out of reach or it’s just wasn’t in the cards - I learned otherwise. I already knew to seek lasting change, a person needs three things. A willingness to step outside their comfort zone, to want it bad enough that they will commit to it, and the belief that they are worth it.
However, there was still something missing. I would set annual goals for myself personally and professionally but they were not linked to what I really wanted - my purpose. Why, because I had not allowed myself to explore what that could even look like. I have come to recognize that many people do not know their purpose and when posed with this question it can become quite stressful for them. In my conversations and my own personal reflection, I have started to notice patterns where it is easier to wish for things that are within reach or express discontentment in various aspects of our personal and/or professional lives but little thought goes into developing our purpose. So often we hear of people retiring early only to return to work, or people saving up for retirement only to get sick or to internally change due to lack of purpose. “Having a purpose is the difference between making a living and making a life”. Tom Thiss
Third, I was looking for ways that I could better support my clients. My clients would rely on me as a consultant to provide them with solutions. However, I knew deep down that they already had much of what they needed. They just had not yet discovered them. As employees, or business owners we bring much with us. How we really feel about ourselves, how we feel about what we are doing and showing up in our role, and if we doing what we love. These three factors play such a significant impact in fulfillment, engagement, performance, opportunities, growth and happiness.
I was interested in providing a framework to partner with my clients that would allow them to discover what was in them all along. To support them as they embraced and developed their gifts and talents, and implemented actions that were aligned with their true PURPOSE in their lives, roles and businesses.. Our organizations are so much more than systems and metrics. They are about people. Our team, our customers - and they all have things in common. They want to feel valued, to contribute, to belong and they want to have purpose. The benefits of providing purpose to your team and your patients equate to so many positive metrics but added to that it contributes to a community that supports each other through it all - the good, the bad, the trials and successes. “Invest in your people and they will invest in you” LaVonne Keal
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